A day In the Life of An Ironic Guy

my thoughts feelings and everything in between that affects my life as an individual and as a member of the society chronicled for your reading pleasure

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Falling leaves

I remember a long time ago, i received a forwarded message asking whose to blame when a leaf fall out from a tree... Is it the wind that blow it away? Is it the leaf that failed to hold on tight or is it the tree that let go of the leaf...

Come to think of it, its an analogous situation tantamount to human friendship. As they say, people come and go in our lives, its up to us how we handle their stay or how we cope up with their departure.

Bringing back the setting on my own life's avatar, i have been into such. A roller coaster ride with people who just come up unexpectedly and without any reason they also had vanish just the same. This lead me thinking, is there something wrong with me? Why is it, that the exit comes just in time when i have invested emotional attachment to the growing friendship that i learned to love. Or could this be just one of the so called fate's cruel play.

Whatever are the answer to all these questions, one thing is for sure, another day will come and i shall meet new face to somehow share a journey with. and the past shall be buried in the pith of my heart.


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