A day In the Life of An Ironic Guy

my thoughts feelings and everything in between that affects my life as an individual and as a member of the society chronicled for your reading pleasure

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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Prideless but principled

Human as we are, there is the so called pride or ego that sometimes ruled our emotions, our decisions and even our life in general. Yet in some instances, this pride of ours keep our dignity intact. Now here comes the principle. Something that everyone used to as a guideline for what he believe is right and just. Things get complicated as these two humane tendencies collide. Which is which. Is it pride or is it just a principle being followed.

These question lingered into my imagination after a series of SMS exchange with borj last night, oh well, twas early morning already. He came to a decision where friendship , emotion and everything in between has to be taken into consideration, yet in the end, frienship has to be sacrificed.

He asked me to extend the message to our friend, and i quote " Im so happy for you, I saw you both together again, and that is a good sign that you're back to each others arms" Accordingly, his guilt somehow was unleashed and the burden he was carrying all these times has been lessen.

Though friendship now is at stake, he doesnt care less purportedly because he doesnt want to interfere into a relationship to which he knows the other party is most serious of. Very well said my friend. Though i hardly get what you were trying to figure out last night, somehow when i woke up this morning i realized how noble you were with the decision you made. Prideless but principled decision. thats how you coined an adjective to describe the situation. Oh yes! indeed it is the right thing to do.

With this development, i have come to a decision too that is hard to do yet i think is the best thing to do now. I have to give space and continue a life away from this person whom i learned to love. If incurring pain to myself for someone else's gain is the best thing to do, then i am but willing to give it all.

Thank you for somehow touching my life in that span of time. I know you'd been wanting to be happy, and i guess now you are happy nonetheless, im happy for you too. Thank you for the moments we shared together, those memories we had will always be here in my heart. NOw im going, im setting you free, im giving you the chance to take another chance with the person who happened to be the sound of each whisper of your loving heart.

Thank you.

And to borrow the words of james...."love will be a dream that will never be mine" BUT that would only be in the case of your heart, coz im willing to open my heart again to someone else!

Thank you.

I love you



It's always so surprisingWhen love appears over the horizonI'll love you for the rest of my daysBut still, it's a mysteryHow you ever came to meWhich only proves


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