A day In the Life of An Ironic Guy

my thoughts feelings and everything in between that affects my life as an individual and as a member of the society chronicled for your reading pleasure

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Thursday, May 26, 2005


and there you are, creating yet another blog entry and so here i am again, responding to your blog.

finally i have come to my senses! and i now understand every words that you spoke from your heart, every stare that you made from your pleading eyes and every smile that you created with your loving lips.

yet i still cant deny the longing i had for you, the emptiness you left at me hanging on, the sadness those blogs brought in me , but then time thought me the word courage to face reality and as such, i finally found my freedom from the shadow of your presence.

Now i have the guts to say goodbye to the the tandem that never was a foundation other than mere words and smile and stare! thats why the wind just blew it off, though we still hang on there, the fact that other human interrupted, i forbid to cling on....i refuse to hang on, and i did say

good bye

thank you

im tired

im exhausted

im free

its enough!

this is your ironicguy examing life's ironies

life is simple, ironic it may seem because of the complexities it brought in.


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