A day In the Life of An Ironic Guy

my thoughts feelings and everything in between that affects my life as an individual and as a member of the society chronicled for your reading pleasure

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Saturday, May 28, 2005


Last night, no friday night out, right after office went home for good. Relaxing after the day's hectic and much pressured mind.

While watching the boobtube the telephone rang, and viola, the other line is looking for someone named jayR,....hmmm who else, but me..haha

We talk and talk about anything and everything that comes to mind, some funny and naughty things we laugh together, some politically correct insinuations of things we argued together, some hot issues we shared our views together. Pretty much of a convee that caters all the topics under the sun.

We started the conversation before ten oclock and we ended it past 12 midnight. huh! its been a long fruitful, enjoyable talk we had. Though there were times when there was silence that dominates yet we managed to broke the ice again and continued our journey towards knowing each other.

The tet-a-tet we had could not have ended if i did not gave up. Yes my new friend is still very much alive and kickin at that very hour. huh!

Before we close and put back the receiver on the rack, my newly found friend told me his impressions on me...

that what a description it was...!!!! and i love those...hahaha

hedgehog a new found friend....

this has been your ironicguy gaining a friend

now signing off

HAVE YOU TRIED TO BEFRIEND A TOTAL STRANGER LATELY? , what happen then ? or if not, TRY IT, and be amazed of the excitement it brought!


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