A day In the Life of An Ironic Guy

my thoughts feelings and everything in between that affects my life as an individual and as a member of the society chronicled for your reading pleasure

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Friday, April 15, 2005

Robin's Quandary

Yesterday when all the usual stuffs at the office bored me again, i took a peek at MIRC and saw Arthur's nick, one person come's to mind! and viola, he's there as expected. la_trip of MIRC, a registered nick so no wonder he is the person i knew. I told myself not to answer if ever he will mack me. Seconds after he really did macked me.

He told me he understood my predicament when he read my blog (thanks for being resourceful enough to be able to understand the weirdness i had, i just dont have the words to describe what my decision is all about). He added, i was unfair to him for i generalize all people around me (well, i cant help it dude, i wanna take the risk no more!)

After work, i hurriedly went home, and landed in bed. My aunt woke me up when the dinner was served. Unusual night for me it was, no calls, no text! Somehow the loneliness again visited me. I just hooked myself on the idiot box while comfortably sitting on the sofa. Minutes later, a few txt messages from my sunbuddies keeps me busy, until its time for my "Memories of Bali" and "Stained Glass" watching hour, hehe.. While watching the former, i was texting ryan then my phone rang, unregistered number! I did not receive the call and continued watching the boobtube. When it was time for commercial, i texted the number asking for the identity.

"Grabe limot man jud dayon, im robin." (wow, you forget me that fast, im robin).... well then, he asked if he could call again and then we did had a conversation for about 15 minutes.

As expected, the convee was all bout the decision i made. My being unfair to him, my principle, my being inconsiderate with others. He was talking something about no man's is an island, or something to that effect, but i was just too hooked at television to really get his sermon or maybe i was just too much sticking to what i believe would give me peace and consolation. A cold melon shake satisfied my thirst for whatever my body cringe for after such exchange of intellectually stimulating sides...

Yet, when everything was already said and done, I was thinking of what the consequences of my action . . . and before i get to the conclusion

i was fallen asleep!

at dawn, the conversation was replayed into my mind and i realized somehow, robin got a point...

but then

i have to stick to my decision dude

whatever the outcome be...

though i got your predicaments,

i remain

this has been your ironicguy deciding something

now signing off

life is simple, ironic it may seem because of the complexities it brought in.


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