A day In the Life of An Ironic Guy

my thoughts feelings and everything in between that affects my life as an individual and as a member of the society chronicled for your reading pleasure

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Monday, August 15, 2005


Weve been friends for quite a long time already. I thought the friendship that we were able to established wont be destroyed by anything that we may encounter along, for i thought i knew you that much.
Sad to say...
I was wrong
I was wrong to dig into your life for according to you, its none of my dumb business. Well, come to think of it, you're right. I have no right to take into your life. Its yours afterall, who am I really to know every single detail about whats happening in you. I was just too assuming that i do have the right, and im sorry for thinking and behaving like that.
Last night, i have realized im nothing in you. I was just one of those who tried to take part of your life but i never was and never will be part of it.
The best thing i can do now is to stay away from you and never bother to do the foolishness that i was doing all these times, that is, to take part of your life's decisions and routine.
Thank you anyway for the memories that we shared together. They may not be as important as those memories with other people in your life, well at least i tried to take part in you. Unfortunately it was, it is and it will not be my dumb business afterall...


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