The FINALE (?)
At the end of the day, you'll find yourself exhausted and tired from the trek that you have engaged upon. But before you laid back and pamper yourself with the delight of a long sound sleep, the memories from the trails you have passed by will be gathered and somehow it will make you smile or even cry.
Last night, a got a message from borj asking me to meet him for perhaps the last time over. We meet at Mercury Drugs claveria, had a stroll towards netex bonifacio until we decided to sit together for a refreshing drink.
There we went to Cheer's in claveria. Ordered a glass of mango juice and a hamburger for me as well as a glass of ice tea with a chicken sandwich for him.
There we are at one corner of that place, we talk about life. His way back home and the memories we shared together for the past months that we were together. The mood was a little bit heavy yet we manage to bring out some good laughter every now and then. But i cannot deny that i was about to burst into tears, fortunately i held back and continue putting smiles in my lips. I dont want to remember a finale meeting become emotional with tears witnessing two souls that have greatly bonded together, unfortunately, one of them has to prepare for his graceful exit in his journey home.
Twas a scene of great longing. Staring at each other in nothingness. Creating an ambiance that is forcefully lightened.
AS the wise men said, everything has to end. And before we knew it, we were saying the word i hate to utter. G O O D B Y E
The deal that we made, a month later, that remains to be seen...
And after the seemingly long heavy night it was, i saw myself lying down in bed, gathering every details of the final meeting, until tears falls down into my cheeks and sealed the night of loneliness and great longing.
AS always, sleep brought me back to my fantasies....
as always....
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