The current season of the reality tv show Pinoy Big brother is now into its final days... or it could be the whole franchise might be in its final run because of the controversies the show got in the entirety of its second season run.
ONE particular controversy involved the so called "favorite" of the show's business head. INfamous of her tactless yet without breeding comments and reaction after the face to face nomination , housemate wendy got the ire of the viewing public and everywhere in pbb forums, hate mails and spam mails circulated like a wildfire. It can be recalled that this housemate was already evicted from the house but was returned, no thanks, to their "BALIK BAHAY" twist.
The subscribers of PBB 24/7 on the net are also complaining because two cameras being livestreamed online always focuses on wendy adding to the already built up notion that this housemate is big brother's favorite.
One eviction put the viewers in rage when a public darling housemate nel became a sacrificial lamb to 'save' housemate wendy. Comparing the status of the two, the former being loved by the masses because of his sense of humor and good attitude while the latter, being hated for her uncalled for behavior, who would not raised their eyebrows to hell when Nel was voted out in favor of wendy?
Then last night was the night everyone was looking forward to. Everyone hoped that of the five remaining housemate, surely wendy will be eliminated from the big 4. But the final eviction was the other way around. The showbiz son "Bodie" was evicted and wendy again was safe and became part of season 2's BIG four.
The people at the eviction hall were shouting 'WENDY LABAS WENDY" (out wendy out) showing their disagreement on the latest turn of event.
Now that wendy is part of the big four, a possibility of her emerging as the big winner is not a a farfetched scenario. The fans are crossing their fingers and are hoping she wont win or else, legions of followers of the pbb might nowhere to be found in the next season of the show if there would be...
A "booo" for wendy is in the offing comes the big night at the big dome. Something to look forward to...
as of now, we just have to sigh...